Finalizing my Book Decisions

It's been a long and fun process, but I'm finally gearing up to self-publish my story "INCOMPATIBLE".  I have researched, emailed, and telephoned many-a-people and have come to the conclusion that self-publishing through the kindle is my best option, especially as a first-time author.  I've put all my free time, blood, sweat and tears into this story, as have my closest family and friends.  I've enjoyed the process immensely, and would struggle if I put the book into someone else's hands.  I have even spent the time and effort to format, reformat, and reformat again.  The creation of the cover has been incredible; I feel like I can and truly should do this on my own... entirely.  I'll be purchasing an ISBN number soon so I can have exclusive rights to my book.  :)  Hoping for the best!


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