Getting What You Expect...

...doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for it.  It was saddening at first but then I reread it (a few hundred more times) and started to appreciate each word.  Thank you for the constructive criticism!  Seriously, I appreciate it a lot.  I asked for it (see previous blog posts)!  I needed it!  And I very much appreciate it!

Quite honestly I don't know if my own novel is one I would be terribly interested in initially.  My original fear is the real story was lost in the romance, and quite honestly it was a bit.  Then again, the romance was  essential to create a child (go figure)... and Xander becomes an absolutely crucial character in future books therefore he needed to be established as such.

I don't want to make excuses for the (as one reviewer said - and I somewhat agree, because honestly it takes a lot of action in a story to intrigue me) boring plot, but Incompatible is simply the setup for a more exciting story.  No, I must reiterate that this is not just an excuse so you'll buy my second novel... Didn't like the first but you want to read the second?  I'll send it to you for free.  Fact!  Just let me know.  :]

And, specifically to my two star reviewer, I love your honest opinion.  It was much nicer than I expected for my first bad review (which says a lot because bad reviews tend to be pretty mean) and something I may have thought on my own about my novel if I had an unbiased opinion.  I have a few things I would like to say to you specifically:
Thank you for finishing the story.  It's exciting to learn that you stuck through it even if you had lost interest.  That is encouraging to any writer.  That you believe the foundation of the story was enticing but the plot was "a let down" obligates me to give the premise a more exciting twist.  I hope you will read the second novel even if you claim to be uninterested.  I would like to invite you on as a beta reader.  Your feedback is essential to providing an exciting tale to all readers!  I hope to speak with you further, so please contact me!

Also, please take a look a look at my INCOMPATIBLE ANALYSIS and author babble below... I feel it may elaborate on the unsettled issues addressed in the novel!

Thank you!
<3 Chantelle


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