Dorobo Released and Available for Purchase!

Available today:  Ebook copies for $3.99 on Amazon and paperback copies available for $12.99 (or less if you snag a copy while it's at a 10% discount through Amazon today)!  

But if you have some free time you can get an autographed paperback copy from me personally... this will be available in the upcoming future, all library and book store events will be posted here and at!!

This weekend I'll post some of the pictures from the festivities!  Keep a look out for them soon!

Thank you to everyone who came out on Wednesday!  I had an incredible time and I hope everyone else did as well (:  And especially thank you to the Franklin Community Library for hosting the festivities!!  It was a blast (and I'm pretty sure I got over my public speaking fear that day.... never thought I'd be able to overcome that haha).



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