Growing A Pear...
Alright, so I’m pretty sure I should just grow a pair and do
it… Even if I were to edit every day until the end of my life I would never be
satisfied. I am probably my worst critic
[I take that back - - I know I am], I
need to chill on myself because there are plenty of other people out there who
will criticize my work [whether constructively or not].
And you know what?
I’m okay with that. :] In fact, I
will greet it with open arms. This is
the first story I’ve completed and not only do I need to improve, I want to improve. If my first book was perfect, then writing
would grow excessively boring. I mean, I
should be honest with myself, the reason I switched from a math major to Behavioral
Science and Anthropology is because math is just that: too easy…. Therefore boring.
So bring it peeps!!
But please be wary, like Xander, I can be a little sensitive ;]
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