Eagerly Awaiting and Particularly Dreading

Over 560 copies of Incompatible floating around on peoples' Kindles and Kindle applications right now (99% of which were given away for free).  I had lingering hope that a review would soon emerge and my wish was granted!  Thank you unknown reader for your kind words, comments on improvements that can be made and four star review!  You have made my week.  The comments you had were strikingly similar to those made by one of my closest friends; she and I spent our weekend reviewing and partially editing the novel... I'm pleased to announce that a slightly (very slightly) altered version will be posted within the week.

Still eagerly awaiting and particularly dreading future comments and reviews, but receiving a positive unbiased review from someone I don't know is one of the most uplifting experiences thus far.

Thank you again and I hope others share your opinion.  :]


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