New Obsession...

I have a new obsession... it's called Shelfari!  I absolutely adore this resource from it has given me some insight into what readers like me are reading.  Hey, maybe I can find another amazing series that sucks me in because I'm in desperate need of one.  It has also given me the opportunity to contribute additional information about characters, setting and glossary information.  Which has me all kinds of excited.

Anyways, check it out Kindle owners and amazon shoppers, it's pretty excellent and helps you connect with other avid readers/writers.

The Ineffable Update: 55, 300 words now.  Maybe around half-way I'd say.  There's been a lull in writing as of late, lots to do at work, so hopefully I'll get the opportunity to write more soon ;]  This little tidbit at the end will be included on every blog post from now until completion.



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