The Thrill of The Game

I am particularly enthusiastic about a Bay Area team making it to the World Series, especially considering they're a part of the San Francisco Bay Area and  not the Oakland Bay Area.  I would be far more stoked about it if my sport and team were actually in commission right now; considering the fact that the NHL has made no progress in reconvening the season, I am at a loss for excitement in my general, normal, everyday life... so my enthusiasm only goes so far unfortunately :''''(.

Furthermore, I am reaching a particularly crucial and (*spoiler*) sad point in the writing process of INEFFABLE, so I suppose my mood is actually perfect for this (Yes, oftentimes I find myself more efficient at writing certain plot points when my mood is similar to the main character's).

Two updates on my personal life:  I am, once more, a vegetarian.  After seeing a facebook post from a fellow author who was visiting China, one that very graphically illustrated his witnessing of a dog meat stand on a street in the city, I have decided to attempt vegetarianism again.  My previous endeavor was over a year, and particularly successful, but this time I'm significantly more motivated.

A plethora of emotions emerged when reading this facebook post:

First, sadness.  These dogs he described wore expressions and mirrored emotions I see on my own pets.. the animals I keep close to me and consider family.  Second, disgust.  How could someone do this to such wonderful animals?  Third, disbelief.  How can I possibly judge this individual?  What makes my lifestyle more appropriate than his?  Okay, so I don't eat dogs, but I do eat cows.  I eat pig.  I eat chicken.  Fourth, disgust.  With myself.  This man is supporting himself and his family through the sale of dog meat, just as many other individuals support themselves with the sale of animal meat.  And I, who have never killed an animal in my life, sit by and eat meat without a thought as to how this food-product came about? Fifth, contemplation.  Would I be okay with killing a chicken/cow/pig to feed myself?  Could I do it?  Nope.  Pretty much, I wouldn't be able to.  I wouldn't want to.  Ultimately, to feed myself, I would be a gatherer.  I would pick the shenanigans out of vegetables each day to avoid the awful task of killing an animal.  Sixth, decision time.  Well, aren't you a hypocrite then?  There is nothing I dislike more than a hypocrite.  Yes, every once in a while we each show weakness and reveal a hypocritical side of ourselves... we're human... we make mistakes.  But what I don't like is when one realizes they've made a mistake, they've blundered in some way, they've been hypocritical, and they do nothing to stop it, they do nothing to rectify the situation.  They consciously choose to continue their hypocritical ways.  So I have decided to be a vegetarian again.

No, I won't be counting the days its been since I've eaten meat.  This isn't a competition.  This isn't an addiction and I needn't celebrate the days its been since I've separated myself from the stuff.  Really, in my opinion this would only make me crave the consumption of meat more.  Like an addict to a drug, "man I need me some heroine... man I could use a fix...."  I don't think myself better than you because you do eat meat, I simply find some peace in the thought of not eating animals.  Because honestly, every time I take a bite of food now, it leads my mind back to those shivering dogs in those cages at that meat stand, and how uncomfortable and unhappy it makes me feel.  This thought leads me to the cows, chickens and pigs that are raised for the purpose of slaughter... for the purpose of consumption... while these same species of animal are raised in other countries and revered as sacred to those societies and civilizations (example-cows are sacred in India).  But honestly, my empathetic mind keeps going... what makes dogs better than cows, chickens and pigs other than the fact that I've been raised and conditioned to believe them better?  To believe them a part of my family rather than the food on my plate?  This man, killing dogs and using their meat to sustain himself and his family, has been conditioned and raised his entire life to know that these animals are here on this earth as food.  Since there is nothing I can do to change the lifestyles of others (because my lifestyle and point of view are no better than the next person's), I will change my own decisions and recondition and train myself to eat only that which I would be okay raising for food on my own.  And don't feel so compelled to tempt me with a delicious slice of bacon, I've been eating the stuff my entire life, taking another bite of it won't kill me.  I won't feel like a complete failure and you won't crush my spirit if I do end up eating meat at another time.  Again I must reiterate that life is not a competition... to me it is but an attempt at shaping yourself into someone that you would one day be able to objectively view from an outsider's perspective and say, "Hey, you seem like someone I'd like to hang out with.  I like you."

Wow that was a long first update.... Second update on my life....

The INEFFABLE update: 60,000 words baby!  Victory is mine... well, kinda.  ;]

Feel free to comment on your own eating habits if you so choose <3


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