Beta Reader Blast!!!


Melek was a wonderful beta reader with excellent comments on character relationships!  I love what she had to say about one developing relationship in particular and have spent some time perfecting it due to her comments. 
I thoroughly look forward to her review when Dorobo is released!!

Check out her blog!  Though her BlogSpot isn't in English, the novel's she reviews are.  :)


Thanks Melek for your feedback and encouragement!! :)

"Grate number one comes up fast.  I don’t drop my eyes into the room, though.  I hear voices, some talk of plants and occasionally there’s laughter from people who sound way too happy.  Even though I loathe them, even though I loathe their freedom and happy, maskless, meaningless banter, I do as I was instructed: don’t look down.
I’ve already placed a name to my “loose end”, and now, because of this, I’m weak.  I’ll have to get her out alive because she’s no longer faceless.  And I know for a fact that if I take in the words and faces of my victims, they’ll become people too.  I won’t be able to do what needs to be done if they’re anything more than the selfish hoarders I despise.  They’re two-dimensional mindless self-serving freaks."


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