Just An Update for Today

Catching Fire came out a few days ago!  And I am presently watching it on the home TV screen (:  So amazing!  All biases aside, I really believe it was an excellent movie.  And I definitely think it was much better than the first.  But maybe that's just because I love Finnick so darn much. 

I am ripping  my hair out in anticipation for the ABNA... there's no other way to put it.  My pitch is alright, not exceptional, but really if I get past this part I think my excerpt will do fairly well.  But the pitch is what I'm really, really nervous about.  It's the most difficult part to write (honest) especially since I have such a difficult time saying what I need to say in 300 words or less!  gah!

On a lighter note, I love beta readers!  The people who have beta read for me are all aaahhh-mazing and have been sooooo so so helpful.  I plan to pay it forward one day, or even repay the favor personally for all of their time and hard work.  I really think I would enjoy beta reading for someone else (:  It seems like a fun, albeit time-consuming, endeavor. 

Go check out "Honest Trailers" on youtube!  HILARIOUS!  Especially the Catching Fire one, not gonna lie.  Be wary, you may get sucked in and waste precious time because there are a bunch of them to watch.... but you'll probably laugh 'til tears leak from your eyes.  I know I did. 

Hope everyone enjoys the remainder of the week!  Off to do some chores now :)



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