DOROBO is An Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist!!!

What an astounding honor it is to have DOROBO make it to the next round of the ABNA Competition!! 

Top 100 Competitors in the Young Adult Fiction category!!

Within the week the excerpts and pitches will be available online for amazon users to read, rate and review.  Once they're available I will post the link in hopes that you, kindly friend, find DOROBO, (re)read my excerpt and write a review... Your words will help determine whether DOROBO makes it to the semifinals :)

And when I get access  to the vine reviews that brought me through to the next round I'll post them!

The waiting game was torturous and it was only one month... Now I have to wait two more!!! Whatever shall I do? First things first I'll stop complaining and PARTY!!   And post another Beta Reader Blast ASAP!

This is what I feel just happened to me... and I'm weak at the knees...

Oh Dean, you beautiful man, you...

Check out what's up thus far of the Quarterfinalists Lists!  My name's on there ;)  I'll keep you up to date about when you can review yourself!


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